Statement of the Problem
Major problems noticed in the study area are: Lack of toilets and wastes disposal facilities Open defaecation into river water and frequent reports of diseases Increased generation and disposal of metal containing wastes into 4 waterways Leaching and decreased quality of run off waste waterf (Monechot et al. 2014). Use of metal components in fishing gears and nets Unauthorized sand excavation and dredging Corrosion of sunked metal scraps
Aim and Objectives of the Study
The aim of this study is to assess the pollutant levels of surface water, sediment and fishes from Mbo River System, Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria. The specific objectives are to determine: i. Microbial loads in surface water ii. The physicochemical properties of surface water and bottom sediments. iii. Texture, particle grain size and percentage composition of the bottom sediments. iv. The heavy metals concentration in surface water, bottom sediments and organs of xenomystas nigri (catfish), ilisha africanus and pseudolithus elongate (croaker). v. Calculate the risk health assessment of dietary intake consumption of heavy metals from the fish organs.
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Chapter One: Introduction
Background of the Study
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Background of the Study
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With the thoughtful application of emerging technologies and in a bid to improve on the effort tow...
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Background of the Study
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